Just had to share this beautiful little miracle that happened last week with our family.
Since we've been to Haiti, we have moved 3 times. With our most recent move, I got to thinking that maybe it would be nice for Eliza to be able to pick out some bed sheets so that she would have some type of familiarity wherever we go. And we were going to be buying beds and didn't have any sheets so it worked out perfectly!
So, I asked Eliza what kind of bed sheets she would want. Her response-"Pocahontas!" Pocahontas? Really?!? I mean, they don't even make sheets like that anymore. I found a set on eBay but I knew there was no way we would be able to depend upon getting them in time. (We planned to send sheets with some people coming down at the end of June). So we settled on some Hello Kitty sheets.
We found out that a group was coming to the orphanage. Perfect! I could just ask them to pick up some sheets for us. Awhile after I asked, I thought "Oh no. I should have told them to get special sheets for Eliza. Oh well, I will just let God take care of it"
A couple days later the group arrives. They had brought several suitcases of donations for the orphanage. Out of the corner of my eye I see something familiar in one of the suitcases. Could it be?! I walk over, pull it out and could not believe my eyes! Inside of that suitcase was a POCAHONTAS BED SHEET!!!!! (I happened to recognise the pattern from what I had just seen before on eBay)
Eliza was elated! I know it may seem like such a small thing, but to us, it was a true, beautiful, miracle. It is amazing to me that we have a God who cares enough about us that He would do something so little to show how much He loves us. He gave a little gift to Eliza that we weren't able to.
Praise God! So blessed to have such a Loving Father who provides everything we need and blesses us beyond belief!!!!
Eliza is such a beautiful little girl and this is such a beautiful MIRACLE! Made me tear up! Love to each of you!