Friday, May 2, 2014

Holy Week!

Holy Week was amazing im Mexico!  It started with Mass on Thursday night much like is done in the states, then on Good Friday there is a whole series of activities.  The live way of the cross (via cruces) started at 10 in the morning.  At 3:00 there was a meditation on the seven last words of Jesus, then at 5:00 was the veneration of the cross followed by a 2 processions to honor Jesus and Mary.  

Here are some photos of the Via Cruces:
Jesus is condemned and takes up His cross

The high priest

Jesus Meets His Mother

Jesus Falls

They picked Eric and I for roman soldiers

It's unfortunate my head is bigger than most every Mexican!

It was pretty surreal to walk past Judas hanging from this truck.

and to be one of the soldiers lifting Jesus up on the cross!

For a town of 5000 so many people came!
There were many visitors!
Easter was a day of beautiful weather and a nice day of rest given to us by our Lord!
We had an Easter egg hunt!

Eliza sure loves her candy!

It is such a blessing for us to be able to experience all the different ways people celebrate the feasts!  Really walking the way of the cross gave me such a unique perspective on the events surrounding Jesus' death.  

Thank you Lord for calling us to this life!  Alleluya, Alleluya, He is Risen!
God Bless You All!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Judas hanging from the truck was pretty shocking at first. It took me a while to realize it was Judas instead of just some random hanging re-enactment :)
