Friday, January 24, 2014

Life in Mexico

How have things been? Crazy, Hectic, Stressful, Blessed and Beautiful. These past two weeks, life here in Mexico has been a lot of things. We have been stolen from and lied to by people who have come to our door. I have felt used and abused, and totally unappreciated.

So why am I still here? Because when Christ called me to missions, I didn’t say “Yes….as long as everyone is always really nice to me, and it is always easy.” I simply said “Yes Father. YOUR will be done.”

Today as I was doing my daily Bible reading, I came across a passage in Sirach 2:1-6 which says “My son, when you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials. Be sincere of heart and steadfast, undisturbed in time of adversity. Cling to him, forsake him not; thus will your future be great. Accept whatever befalls you. In crushing misfortune be patient; for in fire gold is tested, and worthy men in the crucible of humiliation.”

God couldn’t speak to me any clearer.

Being in missions is hard; but it does not go without its blessings. Alongside the many hardships we’ve had these past few weeks, we have encountered so many beautiful things. Amazing 90 year old women whose faith inspires me. A beautiful 9 month pregnant woman who thanked us repeatedly for helping pay for a medication she simply could not afford on her husband’s humble salary. The people of Cuchillo del Indio, who are HUNGERING for the faith; who want to cook for us, spend time with us, and hear everything we have to say about Christ and what He has to offer them. In these moments I have felt loved, blessed and appreciated.

There will be many trials in life. Christ is calling us to cling to Him in these moments and to continue to trust in His will. During the trials, we MUST NOT forsake Him. We must continue on even when it feels impossible to do so. May Christ be our strength ALWAYS!

Love and Prayers from Mexico,


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