Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Missionaries in Training....

Things are very exciting down here at Big Woods Mission Post south of Abbeville, LA.  Big Woods is what Family Missions Company calls their headquarters.  The founders, Frank and Genie Summers, inherited some land from their family and used it to start FMC.  There are a collection of donated houses here for people to live in while they are training and  are in between missionary posts.  We have been here now for 4 1/2 weeks for training, which is called "intake".  If you would like to know more about intake, Melissa Seilhan posted a detailed description on her blog at this address: 

 One of the documents we have been studying is called "Mission of the Redeemer" by John Paul II.  We just read today that JPII stated that the missionary activity of the church was in its infancy!  What and incredible statement!  2000 years after the Church was founded the act of bringing the Gospel to those who have never heard it is only beginning!  The statistics are really staggering.  2/3 of the world's population has yet to learn of Jesus Christ and His saving power.  That's over 4 billion people!  The letter calls for a renewed missionary zeal and teaches that missionary activity is the life blood of the Church!

God is stretching and molding us in ways we never knew we could before coming here.  We have really dove right in to proclaiming the word of God!  There are a few mission activities that we perform right here in Abbeville.  On Thursday mornings we visit a nursing home.  There we say a rosary, provide a communion service, and visit with the people there.  Thursday afternoons we visit Cecil, who is the director's grandfather.  He is homebound and lives with his caretakers.  When we visit we pray with him and read from scripture as well as just spending time with him.  It is such a rewarding experience!

On Saturday, October 5, we aided a parish outreach in Lafayette and knocked door to door on every house in a neighborhood.  We would introduce ourselves and politely ask if there were any baptized Catholics who lived here.  Most will volunteer if they are or were a Catholic.  We would then offer them some information about the Church and invite them to come back or see if the local priest could assist them in any way.  I met a man, who was active in Church, but just lost his wife of 46 years only 6 months prior.  Just the visit from us and praying with him really lifted his spirits.  I also met a couple people who had left the Church.  I offered them some information, but they refused.  Let us all pray for their conversion! 

Just tonight we hosted a potluck dinner in a trailer park near Big Woods.  It was a real success.  Many of the people who lived in the community attended.  We provided some jambalaya and drinks.  We sang some songs, prayed, and another missionary provided a teaching on God's love.  The people were extremely grateful and commented on how we made them feel like part of a greater community, which is the community of God.  One of the people as a result started telling his brothers and sisters in the community that they needed to become more active in spreading the word.  It continues to amaze me how God can take our small actions and gestures and do so many great things with them. 

God is reaffirming for us every day our call from Him to serve Him in missions.  We grow in courage all the time and continue to ask the Lord for his continued help and guidance.  Please keep us in your prayers!

The Quinns

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