Last Saturday, Thomas (one of the single missionaries here) went to visit a sick man in his home named Tinom. After talking with him and hearing that he was raised Catholic(but never baptized) Thomas asked if he would like to be baptized, and he said yes! We returned with our priest, and Tinom was baptized. The best part is, Thomas and I (Andrea) are the Godparents! Please pray for this dear, sweet man. He is unable to see or walk and cannot leave his bed. Pray that through his suffering he may be more deeply united with Christ!
Me and the Youth Group with the cards we made for the sick |
Also just want to share this picture. Everyday Dave, like a bus driver, brings home a truck full(20-30 total) of kids home from school. There is hardly enough room. In fact, the other day, we had our entire team to take home, plus the kids, and 2 of the guys had to sit on the front. Haha. We could never get away with that in the states.
Pray for us and the people here! Especially for our preparations for the Medical Mission trip where we will be providing Medical Clinics for 6 small villages, along with evangelization in the evenings.
Love and prayers from Haiti!
The Quinns